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Exploring the Potential of Reuse

At Justroo, we believe that IT hardware should be kept in use for longer and not discarded prematurely; our business model is designed to help you get the most out of your technology when purchasing, maintaining and disposing of IT hardware.

Within this belief, we work with companies to explore reuse as an option in order to increase overall budget, improve environmental impact and create high-performance IT solutions. Our life cycle services, including refurbished IT hardware, component level upgrades and IT Asset Recovery, help you to get the most out of your technology without compromising on your business priorities.

What Can Reuse Do for You?
Reuse is about more than second hand technology; it encompasses methods and habits for buying, using, maintaining and eventually disposing of IT hardware. And at every stage of IT decision making, you can explore reuse to create a solution that combines everything you need without compromise.

Refurbished IT Hardware
Reusing devices where possible allows your business to maximise your IT budget and get the most out of your systems.

When purchasing hardware, high quality refurbished technology, including devices, peripherals and components, can be integrated into your system to increase spending potential. Refurbished technology is, generally, cheaper than new and so is a viable option for companies and something that must be considered for your business development.

What’s more, refurbished technology has been proven to perform as well as, if not better than, new with the right configuration, and comes with an industry-leading warranty to ensure that you meet all of your priorities when paying less for your technology.

Reusing IT hardware can also take place within your own organisation to maximise your budget and extend the lifespan of your technology. This can be achieved by cascading IT assets down your business from mission critical applications to less demanding workloads as your requirements change.

This allows you to reuse your own technology and keep your devices within your organisation for longer, maximising their value.

Explore our full life cycle services to maximise your IT budget here.

Sustainable and Secure Disposal
As it currently stands, in general, we dispose of IT hardware only halfway through its usable lifespan. For example, the expected lifespan of a laptop is around 8 years, however, many people will dispose of their device after 4 years of use. Then, in many cases, people dispose of technology in a way that damages the environment.

The secondary market provides a more sustainable way to approach IT hardware use, maintenance and disposal. With upwards of 57 million tonnes of e-waste heading to landfill this year alone, disposing of your IT hardware in a responsible manner is essential to protect the environment.

At Justroo we believe in reuse and refurbishment over recycling as these practices are designed to increase the lifespan of technology rather than marking the end of life for products.

Our IT Asset Recovery service is central to this belief and acts as a doorway into reuse for businesses around the world.

This service takes your technology and extends its lifespan through refurbishment where possible, keeping assets in the market for longer and diverting useable and valuable materials and devices from landfill. These assets can then be sold as high-quality refurbished devices that help fuel the circular economy.

This service also offers rebates and secure data sanitisation for your IT devices and components to maximise budget and protect your organisation and customer information. These rebates can then be reinvested in future IT hardware or business development.

Unlock the value of your IT hardware through our IT Asset Recovery service here.

Energy Efficiency Analysis and Consultancy
Refurbished technology and component level upgrades are designed to provide viable technology options that do not compromise on performance, efficiency or productivity.

Through our industry leading energy efficiency analysis software, Interact, and our consultancy led approach, we design solutions centred on your business structure, current IT hardware and company goals.

We understand that performance is a driving force behind your IT decision making and we will work with your business to create a solution that matches your needs. We help you identify opportunities within your organisation to increase productivity and overall efficiency. This includes reusing current IT hardware where possible, recovering value from your technology, increasing performance for devices with component level upgrades and supplying new and high-quality refurbished solutions to create a bespoke infrastructure for your business.

Find out more about these services and everything they can offer you here.

Reuse Within the IT Life Cycle
Reuse is not about compromise; it’s about exploring the best solution across all metrics: price, performance, sustainability and efficiency.

Neglecting reuse from your IT decision making processes offers you a limited view of all the options and potential available to you through your current and future IT systems.

The truth is that reuse can help you unlock potential in your technology that you may have previously ignored, whether that be in the form of rebate value, increased performance and efficiency, or sustainable best practice.

We understand that each company approaches reuse in different ways and, as such, our services are designed to help you unlock the potential of the secondary market and maximise the value of your IT in the best way for your organisation.

Chief Technology Officer
